Thursday, January 7, 2010

What's next for Airline Travelers?

So, a would be terrorist beats the system and sneaks on an airliner with explosive underwear. Our government’s reaction, full body scans for everyone. Let’s take it a step further; a terrorist beats the body scan by hiding a device in a body cavity. What then, stripping off all our clothes and cavity searches before every flight? Will somebody please stop the insanity! We all know that 99.9% of fliers can get by with keeping their shoes on, carrying more than 3 oz of liquid and going through a metal detector, yet we subject ourselves to ever increasing humiliation and harassment.

I have a suggestion, what about profiling. Don’t have a cow. I’m not talking about racial or religious profiling, but what about other factors: Criminal record, country of origin, behavior at the airport, ticket paid with cash, checked luggage, known terrorist associations are just a few of the things the TSA could use to determine who would be subjected to questioning and more intense screening. Here is an idea for Washington bureaucrats, stop the terrorist and cease with harassing and punishing the collective group of fliers.

Who thought 10 years ago we would have to endure no shoes, no liquids and x-rays that see through clothes. I hope someone in DC hears my plea before we are stripped naked, issued TSA flying clothes and cuffed to our seats.