Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Letter to the Fluvanna Review August 9, 2010

Several recent letters have praised Congressman Perriello and his efforts to help the 5th district. None of the letters have mentioned his complete support of the Nancy Pelosi agenda including a yes vote on the House Clean Air and Security Act (cap-and-trade), which the CBO has estimated could increase the amount the average household pays for energy by $1,600 per year. Luckily this bill has stalled in the Senate. His supporters also ignore his support of the attempted government takeover of our health care system as if by magic, stamping U.S. Government on our hospitals and doctors offices and staffing them with bureaucrats will make them better and more efficient. Finally, they seem to think it’s acceptable for the government to go after the income of those they deem to have more than enough. Why do liberals always have an incessant appetite for others money? The way to increase revenue is to increase prosperity so that more Americans are sharing the burden, not high tax rates that will kill growth and actually increase the deficit. The 5th district is not San Francisco and we need a Congressman that works for us, not Nancy Pelosi.