Thursday, September 2, 2010

What's Absurd About Restoring Honor?

My letter to Charlottesville's Daily Progress in response to Eugene Robinson's column published August 31st:

I hope the Daily Progress didn’t pay for Eugene Robinson’s opinion piece published on August 31st, because he mailed this one in. His “Even Beck can't mar King's legacy” article had nothing to do with the Restoring Honor rally held at the Lincoln Memorial last Saturday.

The first paragraph shows he had no intention of writing a thoughtful, honest piece and lets us know how he feels about the rally “…Glenn Beck has every right to hold his absurdly titled "Restoring Honor" rally on Saturday.” Absurdly titled? Mr. Robinson what’s so absurd about politicians doing the right and honorable thing? What’s so absurd about reading bills before you vote on them, posting bills online so they can be reviewed by the public before the vote, holding open and televised hearings on importation legislation, passing a budget and sticking to it, securing our borders and ensuring all immigrants play by the rules, supporting our troops once they have been committed to combat operations, maintaining high ethical standards and upholding the constitution they swore to protect. I agree, these things may seem absurd to you and many in Washington, but to the 300,000 plus that attended honor is important.

You see Mr. Robinson; you thought the Restoring Honor rally was an attack on the Democratic Party and liberal causes. It wasn’t, it was aimed at all of us, including members of both parties. Its simple message, just do the right thing. You sold your soul to the party long ago and such devotion has led to the one dimensional thinking your articles now reflect. Sorry you missed it and I fear most in Washington are restricted by a similar mindset.