According to many national news organizations Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and the rest of public speaking conservatives are responsible for the Tucson massacre. Their hateful rhetoric full of vitriol and violent website images drove a young man to kill six innocent people and they must be silenced. Using this twisted logic are we to assume networks are responsible for the drunk driver carnage on our highways since they show alcohol ads that glorify drinking? Is CBS responsible for rapes, mutilations and murders because its series Criminal Minds portrays these things? Heck, let’s shut down the porn industry because obviously it’s responsible for unwanted pregnancies, abuse of women, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Even I should be banned from football games because I have been known to shout “kill him” when the other team has the ball.
The point is we are all bombarded with violent images, words and just bad plain bad behavior from all types of media on a daily basis. Metaphoric language and violent images should never absolve an individual from a heinous crime. The left hijacked this senseless killing in order to attack and quiet their political opposition. If they are serious about toning down the rhetoric and cleaning up the images we see, maybe they should start with their own programming. Their attempt to pin this on the right reeks of desperation and is pathetic. Let’s get the focus back on the victims and a solution on how to help those known to be mentally unstable.
The point is we are all bombarded with violent images, words and just bad plain bad behavior from all types of media on a daily basis. Metaphoric language and violent images should never absolve an individual from a heinous crime. The left hijacked this senseless killing in order to attack and quiet their political opposition. If they are serious about toning down the rhetoric and cleaning up the images we see, maybe they should start with their own programming. Their attempt to pin this on the right reeks of desperation and is pathetic. Let’s get the focus back on the victims and a solution on how to help those known to be mentally unstable.