Thursday, August 30, 2012

Virginia Military Institute, A Refreshing Change

Almost two weeks ago, my wife and I took our youngest son to college. This experience turned out to be much different than our trip four years ago with our oldest son to a traditional four year university. Arriving at VMI, I was struck by the lack of U-Haul trailers, roof luggage racks and pick-up trucks overstuffed with all the comforts of home. Parents and new cadets (know as “Rats”) walked to their rooms with the bare essentials, absent were large flat screens, mini refrigerators, microwaves and fancy coffee machines. The Rats even had cell phones taken and locked away in the basement, no Facebook, twitter or texting for the first week!

Then came time for us to say good-bye. All the parents and Rats gathered in the basketball arena where the Rats would be called down by company and assembled on the gym floor. First there were speeches by the Superintendent and senior cadets. The words of the Corps Commander filled me with joy and pride. He eloquently stated how in a time when shortcuts have become the norm, hard work derided and discipline almost non existent our sons and daughters had chosen a much different path. One that was more academically intense, physically challenging and lacking many of the comforts of other four year institutions, but in the end, a choice that will lead to success after graduation from VMI.

My son Alex, 1st from the left
Finally, all the Rats were lined up and the Pipe Band began to play. They marched off as the parents stood and applauded. There were few dry eyes as we strained to catch one last glimpse and give a final wave. What a difference, college freshmen marching off for grueling physical training and demanding academics, instead of their first keg party or endless hours of video games. I still get chills when I watch the march out video and I am reminded how proud I am of my son and the choice he made. I send a heart felt thank you to the faculty and staff of VMI.