Wednesday, July 16, 2014

One Small Step for Mankind, One Giant Leap for Me (Apologies to the late Neil Armstrong)

I twisted Neil Armstrong’s famous words as he became the first human to step on the moon to reflect my feelings as I prepare to take my first mission trip in a few days. Yes, in just 3 days I’m heading to Jalapa, Guatemala with a group from my home church. I thought if I wrote about what brought me to this point, maybe it would help others take the leap, get outside their comfort zones and proclaim their faith to others, while at the same time learning how different people live and view the world.

After a few church-less years in my twenties and early thirties, I was moved (I believe my mom’s ceaseless prayers were answered) to find a church home and raise my 2 young boys in a positive, Christian environment. I found a great church close to home, connected with the pastor and became a member of Effort Baptist Church in Fluvanna County. Right away, my wife became very active, signing up for small groups and taking Bible classes. I kind of eased into things but soon became as involved as her. As my boys got older my wife began to go on mission trips with them. They picked up trash locally, built access ramps and repaired roofs in North Carolina and even repaired homes after Hurricane Katrina. In the past few years she has gone to Puerto Rico and Guatemala always returning with great stories about what God was doing through the mission groups. I watched all of this and thought it sounded great, I even told myself I need to go on a mission trip.

Every year, in February or so, our church would post the list of places where they would be sending mission teams. And each year I would read the list, pray over it and nothing. Yes God had a plan for me and wanted me to step out, but the time wasn’t right. I mean if I was really called to serve I would feel the spirt leading me, right? Well I started attending Effort in the fall of 1995 and still no mission trip. This year was different though. The list was posted as usual, I looked it over and said that’s it, I’m going and put my finger on Guatemala. Funny thing is, once I made the decision I actually felt moved to go and the apprehension of stepping outside my comfort zone began to fade away and I am filled with excitement, eager to share my faith, work with others, and learn about another culture. I will be taking a notebook and I intend to post about my experience when I return.

So if like me, you are looking for a place to serve, whether it is at your church, a local construction project or a mission trip to another country. Go ahead take the leap, sometimes we are waiting for God to move us when He just wants us to move!